///From the author: here is the latest in my semi-recurring series of blog posts about the big, important worlds in Solar Space. This one deals with a world that has often been called the "New Third World," due to it being the third large world out from Jupiter, the third of the "Big Three" worlds in the Alliance of Free Worlds, and, more esoterically, a world reminiscent of the old Third World theory of Earth geography. Given that the Ganymede of The Spacers Saga is rich in resources but economically poor due to long-term exploitation by its neighbors, and a culturally vibrant hub of Jovian space that nevertheless festers with local intrigue, I would say that this comparison is very apropos.
Annotated Map

First reached by humans: September 2034 (uncrewed); February 2091 (crewed)
Current government: partitioned - southern half under the Democratic Republic of Ganymede (est. June 2343), north half under the Republic of Ganymede (est. October 2227)
2389 Population: approximately 31.4 million (estimated per the 2385 census)
Capital: Alexandria, Tros sea stead cluster (Grid square L-5); population: approx. 2.1 million
Affiliation: ICA (2091-2329); Galilean Union (2197-2328); Divisão Revolucionária da Assembleia de Callisto (2328-2341); partitioned in 2343 after the Draconist Wars
Democratic Rep. of Ganymede: unitary socialist republic; seat of power - the Olympic Presidium, Olympia; current Premier - Malachi Savim (since 2376)
Republic of Ganymede: multi-party constitutional republic; seat of power - the Blue Palace, Dendera; current President - Tenzin Nowicki (since 2385)
Primary industries: primary - fusion fuel production location for outer solar system energy & gas station for outer system spacecraft; secondary - aquaponics/fishing
Map Key (ranked by population)
Alexandria (1)
Location: Mush atoll (E-7)
Population: 2.1 million
Founded: 1 July 2209
Olympia (2)
Location: Irkalla atoll (F-9)
Population: 1.7 million
Founded: 19 February 2217
Syracuse (3)
Location: Perrine atoll (J-3)
Population: 1.5 million
Founded: 15 October 2231
Knossos (4)
Location: Tashmetum atoll (T-10)
Population: 1.2 million
Founded: 2 August 2239
Delphi (5)
Location: Selket atoll (E-5)
Population: 940 thousand
Founded: 12 June 2254
Argos (6)
Location: Ta-Urt atoll (Q-4)
Population: 870 thousand
Founded: 24 September 2263
Thebes (7)
Location: Punt atoll (V-9)
Population: 760 thousand
Founded: 19 January 2271
Abydos (8)
Location: Enkidu atoll (P-9)
Population: 620 thousand
Founded: 3 May 2265
Ephesus (9)
Location: Osiris atoll (A-10)
Population: 530 thousand
Founded: 27 June 2278
Miletus (10)
Location: Amon atoll (W-3)
Population: 490 thousand
Founded: 8 December 2283
Historical Notes

The third large world out from Jupiter found itself coming in second-best behind Callisto for decades. It was the second world to be settled during Project Pathfinder’s drive to colonize the outer solar system, second to develop a local culture and self-sufficient economy, and, more recently, second to be seized by the grip of the Draconist virus that had sprung from the wells of its smaller cousin, further out from Jupiter.
But Ganymede still remains important in the scheme of outer system politics, for one reason above all others. After terraforming efforts began there in the mid-22nd century, it quickly developed a global surface ocean. This made it prime real estate for water harvesting, a role which has made it an invaluable port of call for spacecraft in the outer system. By the 24th century, the seaside ports of Ganymede, where shuttles gathered refined fusion fuel from pumps set up on the few remaining atolls, were renowned for their rustic charm.
However, with this importance comes a history fraught with political intrigue. As a major player in the Titan Pact during the Mars-Titan War (2292-2297), Ganymede faced stiff consequences when the war ended, including more than twenty years of occupation by the IDC as one of the stipulations of the Harrison Accords. From 2301 on, Ganymede endured the constant presence of the Spacer Corps and their allies in the Outer System Security Force, inspiring a steady uptick in local nationalist sentiment.
When the DRAC took power on Callisto in 2324, they also sent cadres to Ganymede to secure the water resources of their sister world. As a result, Ganymede became a major battlefield in the Jovian Civil War (2324-2341) and suffered casualties totaling roughly three percent of its prewar population before the Alliance of Free Worlds took power and restored order to the Jovian system. That's roughly equivalent to one person being killed on Ganymede every eleven minutes for nearly twelve years.
When the Jovian Civil War ended and the Draconists receded from prominence in Jovian space, this new paradigm had fully taken shape. In 2343, the stipulations of the Treaty of Tycho took full effect, among which were the partitions of Ganymede and Titan, meaning that the watery world was split in two, roughly along the 14° S parallel. The Republic of Ganymede, to the north, was joined by the Democratic Republic of Ganymede, establishing the status quo that has held sway for the last forty years.
During the second phase of the Draconist Wars which followed the start of Operation Lighting Dagger in 2347, Ganymede became a battlefield again, and a site for the IDC to test out its latest counterinsurgency tactics in real-world environments. As unease between the ICA and the Alliance festered, and the latter funded Draconist activities across the outer system, most people could see the writing on the wall.
Among the gravest threats to this new status quo is the ongoing tension of the Frontier Wars era, wherein the Alliance and the ICA face down across the demilitarized zones of Titan and Ganymede as each seeks total control of these vital worlds. After the Zharan Collective reentered the fray in 2379, the situation became even more complex, and peace remains tenuous now as peace enters its ninth year.
Major Factions
Interplanetary Cooperative Administration

Officially founded in 2051 with the adoption of the Tyndall Accords by the UN, it was devised as a means to prevent interplanetary conflict in the vein of the Lunar War of October 2049, which pitted the major spacefaring powers aligned with NATO against those aligned with China and the Shanghai Pact for control of lunar resources
The ICA became the official sponsor of the colony on Ganymede following its establishment in 2108, and oversaw the growth of the settlements there until they were united into the Republic of Ganymede in 2179. This preceded the formation of the Galilean Union in 2183, which became the region's official government from then on
The Galilean Union

After the chaos of the 21st century, many refugees from Earth sought opportunity in the outer system, with the Galilean Union formed in 2197 as an outgrowth. During the long peace of the 22nd and 23rd centuries, the Jovian sector enjoyed relative prosperity, which endured right up until the Mars-Titan War (2292-2297)
Following the passage of the Harrison Accords in 2299, however, the wind sowed by decades of growing inequality began to reap a whirlwind of violence. With the fall of Callisto to Draconism in 2324, the Union became essentially a rump state, and was only a shadow of its former self by the rise of the Alliance in 2341
The Jovian Security Force ("J-Sec")

Founded in 2343 on the heels of the Jovian Civil War (2325-2342) to safeguard ICA economic and social interests in the Jovian sector, J-Sec boasted a staff of roughly half a million sworn agents by 2389. More than half of these served on Ganymede, working in the various seasteads of the RoG
Most of these agents were veterans of the Spacer Corps or Colonial Security Force, and they were known to enforce regulations favoring ICA commercial interests in Jovian space with ruthless dedication, even if it meant shooting first and asking questions later
The Republic of Ganymede ("North Ganymede")

Formed in 2172 during the prosperity of the 22nd century, the Republic of Ganymede enjoyed considerable economic growth thanks to the prodigious output of its booming aquacultural industry, which made it the effective bread basket of the Jovian sector and beyond by the end of the 23rd century
By the early 24th century, however, this growth gave way to economic turmoil, and then to strife as the Draconist Crisis spread like wildfire through the outer system, eventually leading to the rise of the Alliance. When the Draconist Crisis ended, Ganymede was partitioned, with the ROG getting the north half
Divisão Revolucionário Armado de Callisto

Draconism arose as part of the surge of nationalism which swept through the frontier following the passage of the Harrison Accords, which codified the status quo at the end of the Solar Civil War. From there, it quickly infested the entire Jovian system, and later dozens of settlements across the outer solar system
The DRAC emerged in the Callisto Assembly (the Callistan equivalent of the modern Senate) in 2317, and for more than four decades, they carried out a reign of terror in the Jovian system and elsewhere. The repercussions of this are still felt in 2389, even though most of the original Draconists are long dead
Alliance of Free Worlds

Beginning with the outbreak of Draconist-led revolutions in the Jupiter and Saturn Sectors in the early 24th century, the chasm between the ICA and the citizens of the outer solar system quickly split into a vast gulf, especially as the ICA-led crackdown on dissent rapidly accelerated public resistance to their rule
After emerging in 2341, the Alliance took control of Callisto in 2342 and, following the Treaty of Syrené, they were granted solitary control there. For the next twenty years, even as the Draconists continued their reign of terror (which Callisto's new masters have been accused of funding), the Alliance maintained order
Democratic Republic of Ganymede ("South Ganymede")

Born of the same strife which consumed the entire Jovian sector for nearly forty years following the rise of the Draconist scourge on Callisto, the DROG was founded in 2343 following the partition of Ganymede at the hands of the Treaty of Tycho, and received the industrially prosperous southern half of the moon
For the past twenty-five years, it has maintained a vice-like grip on southern Ganymede’s agricultural industry, producing considerable economic output. This has allowed the Alliance of Free Worlds to maintain a substantial lead in the economic development of the Jovian system, most of which they funnel to Callisto
Man I so enjoy all the maps and lore you build.